Is a Quad 44/ 405-2 amp tube sounding?


I have never use tube before but was thinking of pairing one to my Fostex speakers. Currrently they are powered by the Quads. Are they tube sounding in that respect? In that they would sound close to a tube amp of the price range of $300-$500..? Don't want to spend that amount on a tube amp to find that they sound similar to the Quads.

I have heard tube amps costing much more than what my entry budget is and they are really good. So any advise would be greatly appreciated!!

Nothing could be less tube sounding.Raanan
P.S. I have had a few 405-2s and many many tube amps.
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Thanks for the replies. Needed to be sure that the Quads are different from real tubes before I spend the $$. Will start looking out for tube gears!
