Your Fav EL34 and why?

I am looking for some info on the EL34 tube and it's various makers, mostly current ones, but input on previous itterations of these tubes which fall into the NOS cat are quite welcome and would add some contrast.

I'm assuming like all tubes that the EL 34 tubes sonic sigs vary dependant upon manufacturer and era, as do so many other tube types.

What is your experience with this EL34 TYPE, and why did you select the one (s) you use now?

As always - Thanks so very much.
The best ever EL34's in my opinion is a toss up between Genelex KT77 and Mullard EL34 (XF1 or XF2).

Lots of other NOS varieties were made and many of those are better than current production.

Of current production my favorite is Tesla E34L, and then probably the Wing C. All EL34's sound different, so depending on your amp, bias point, associated (input) tubes and other factors, there is an unending debate as to what might be your favorite.

I will say that beyond all other factors, the Mullard is probably the best EL34 that was ever made, if judged only by it's durability and longevity. There are thousands of Dynaco amps that are still in service with their ORIGINAL Mullard EL34's, factory installed 42 years ago (still test perfect and still running strong).

Thousands of other Dynaco's have been stripped of their original Mullard EL34's and then resold with brand new Russian tubes :^).

Wonder what they do with all those old original Mullard tubes? They wouldn't be selling them at Ebay or using them in their OWN high end gear :^?
Uh, Thanks, Avguygeorge. I'm not sure what all that means however.

I do appreciate it much. The EL34's application is bias dependant? Huh.

They aren't all the same, that I get. Now ya gotta add in what the bias point is?

OK then, how about at 70mv for instance. Just out of the clear blue.
I do appreciate it much. The EL34's application is bias dependant? Huh.

Yes indeed.

For instance, the bias point of EL34 tubes run in triode compared to Tetrode can be different. The bias point of Mullard EL34 tubes in the Tube Research GT400 (yes, it works-been there-done that) is different than a Dynaco Stereo 70 and different than the Wolcott Presence 220.

And as I said, input tubes for all three of these amps (and input design circuit) are all very different too.

The bias for the Dynaco Stereo 70 is quite low (about 1.56 VDC) compared to more modern amps and perhaps the reason so many EL34 Mullards have survived for 40 years. That and the fact Dynaco produced about 250,000 of these before they were discontinued, means we had a rather large supply to begin with.

Here is a link to different voltages and bias points the EL34 can be set up for. This was for popular guitar amps but the principal is the same.