Cary 120s...anyone heard this amp

Hi All,

I was curious if any of you have heard the new Cary 120s amplifier. If you have heard it what do you think?

I traded my beloved Cary V12R in on a new Cary CAD 120S and hear a major difference in sound quality. It is hooked up to a Cary SLP98P with all Linn sources. I've had amps that cost lots more and have heard amps costing 20-50 times the price and they are all hype, even though they sound good. This amp runs a lot cooler than the V12R did. Get one if you can, you'll love it. I haven't worked in 27 months or I'd have bought another and left it in the box for the future.
Everything said about this amp is correct. I actually two that I tried to bi-amp, but concluded that there was no significant improvement in sound. Excellent amp overall and for how much a fairly used one is going for these days, you cannot go wrong. I had a CAD 500MB that I did an A\B with and the bass on the 120s gave the 500 a run for the money.
Another CAD 120S fan here. As i write they hooked up and driving a pair of ESL speakers. These low sensitivity speakers have an impedance of over 100 ohms in the bass and less than 2 ohms at 20 KHz. That the Cary can make music at all is simply amazing. This amp has guts.