Leave an amp "on" permanetly

I understand that tube amps need to warm up sufficently before they can reach their potential. Is this also true with SS amps? I own a McCormack DNA-1 deluxe, and I hear a discernable difference when listening to my system "cold" versus "warmed-up". Do you also find this to be true?

If so, would people recommend leaving a SS amp on permanently? Could I damage my amp by doing this?
This was a consideration when I chose my amp. I really like the sound of class A, but the class A monoblocks I wanted to try drew 300 watts EACH 24/7. I went with an Edge amp (225x2) that only draws less then 100 watts. I think that it is clear that SS amps and all of our components sound better when warmed up for extended periods. I plan to use a passive preamp and a modded SB3 for my main source, so i won't be drawing much power when not in use. I can save a 150 watts per hour elsewhere. I do shut things down when leaving town, but use my system in some form most days.
Some facts here:

1) If we really wanted to reduce carbon emissions, we would have been building and licensing Nukes for the past 25 years, just like the EU & Japan were doing.

2) Thomasedison, read the bio of that N.Y. Times reporter! A way leftist, to be sure...but hey, if the N.Y. Times says so, it must be true! Oh, if you use the "hibernate" function on Windows XP, be prepared for mondo future problems!

3) My tube equipment takes about 1 hour to warm up. Be careful about leaving your amp's plate voltage on if you're not around...bad things can happen when high voltage/high amperage go awry.

4) The Kyoto accord is the biggest farce ever written. It sounds great on face value, but the "devil's in the details", as some of the enlightened writers here know.
I also turn my system off because I want to reduce energy use. If I leave my system on all day when not listening, that is 8 hours of energy consumption that did not have to happen. You gotta start somewhere. Little bit for me, but it adds up when lots of people take similar measures.
hi mcpody:

i live in an area where the quality of the "ac" varies during the day. the affect of the "ac" is more of an issue than warm up. you certainly are entitled to your perception and opinion. i respecfully disagree with you.

in answer to your question. i don't hear a difference in the room or out of the room.
You might benefit by getting a good power conditioner, one that regulates current. Especially with tubes, its not a great idea to plug into the wall if the power source is subject to noticeable power fluctuations. This can really shorten the life of the tube.

Both my tube amps (Audion PX25, EAR 859SE)and solid state amp (Threshold T-200)dramatically improve once they are hot, and a hot tube technically optimizes tube performance. So, sorry to here about your power situation, please accept my recommendation along with my apology for ribbing you.