Anyone heard of T +A Theory and Application

I an looking to upgrade my Mcintosh Pre C2200. One of the line that i am considering is T + A Preamp. Would appreaciate any opinion on this preamp: 1230 R.
I have spent many years with tube electronics always feeling shorted by the musical experience of nearly all solid state electronics. While some solid state preamps sound good with popular music,the T+A 1230r is the first solid state preamp that I have heard that allows classical music to be presented in a rich natural involving way, unraveling recordings with information but always presenting the tonal balance fairly.
Yes, a friend has both the amp and preamp you mention along with their SACD player. Very nice with his Dynaudio speakers. I have a TAD-150 pre that we inserted into his rig just for kicks and to use the phono stage to listen to albums. I expected the TAD to warm up his system and increase the soundstage as it did mine going from a Forte F44 pre, it didn't. Soundstage and great mid range were already present with the T+A. The amp drove the Dyns with seemingly no effort. Build quality is top notch also.
I cant find any information about the T+A 1230r preamp on the internet.

Does anyone know if they have a website or distributor?

Thanks! Joe
Details of this preamp from the distributor's site:

I have no first hand experience with this preamp, just trying to help out my fellow high-end audio junkies.
The Quartet Group distributes T+A in the U.S.
Call Stirling @ 707.762.0914. He is most helpful.

As remarkable as the P 1230 R is, the A 1530 amplifier is even more astonishing. The price/performance factor of these products must be an embarrassment to many recently annointed über amps.

I have no financial or promotional relationship with T+A whatsoever.
I'm just seriously thinking of replacing my own electronics with T+A just like Ted Denney of Synergistic Research who kindly turned me onto T+A during one of our phone conversations.

Take a listen. I think you'll be impressed.