Well all i have my upgraded ref 9se V2 amps back. The new included bag is a nice touch. The crisp stamped V2 on the front panel is nicely done. After getting them wired and playing cds i was struck by the detail and air in the upper end. I play vinyl when in the sweet spot. My cd player is not in the same league as my analog gear. This is the best i have heard cds sound in my system. It was quite pleasing.
The time came for vinyl and again a step up in what 9se could deliver. The noise floor is bottomless. The attack of notes is crisp and precise, decay is surly well defined. Bass is strong, present, and tight. Sound stage is deep and wide, and imaging is spot on. Being that my ref 9se amps were well broke in, out of the box i am quite pleased. The addition of V2 to already fine amps is a real plus.
Speaking on vinyl gear a few posts above were discussing nuforce with tubed equipment. I have a ear 834p modded and tube rolled, its a good match with my nuforce gear. It now is a back up though.
My tom evens groove plus srx is as good a phono amp around.
The time came for vinyl and again a step up in what 9se could deliver. The noise floor is bottomless. The attack of notes is crisp and precise, decay is surly well defined. Bass is strong, present, and tight. Sound stage is deep and wide, and imaging is spot on. Being that my ref 9se amps were well broke in, out of the box i am quite pleased. The addition of V2 to already fine amps is a real plus.
Speaking on vinyl gear a few posts above were discussing nuforce with tubed equipment. I have a ear 834p modded and tube rolled, its a good match with my nuforce gear. It now is a back up though.
My tom evens groove plus srx is as good a phono amp around.