Shindo and synergistic components

I know many Shindo enthusiasts are in for the whole system - pre/amp/speakers. But for those with just a preamp from Shindo, what amps are you using with it? I'm particularly interested in higher power amplifiers (ie 60wpc +).

Or if there are owners of the Shindo Sinhonias (40wpc I think) - what speakers are you using?

I'm considering their pre amps, but their power amps may be a touch short of the power I'd like to have, so I'm exploring synergistic high power amp matches with the Shindos. The preamps being considered are the Monbrison or the Masseto.

I have, but don't want the new pyramids. Would do VPA + PMA, but that adds up to about $6k more than the Shindo option... not sure it's worth it.

I'm also interested in something off the beaten track, as Nagra is the easy match I think. Great review of the Class D MPAs in TAS this month - but I'm just not loving them, would prefer an easy maintenance tube setup instead.

You may want to put the Dodd 120 on your list. I have never heard it but alot of Eggleston owners like this amp. Like the Verity's, Eggleston's are very revealing and I think they have a more difficult load. Just a thought.

Oh, the problems of the rich and famous... good luck and happy listening.
How much do you toe in your living voices? I have heard they liked to be spaced out very wide. There is a relatively inexpensive Shindo amp called the Montille that would work really well with the LV's if you wanted to have an all Shindo setup.
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LOL Timothy. I think you'll find Verity owners as being pretty satisfied and building their systems around the speakers... but hey, Shindo seems to have it's own addictive personalities. Too bad you need to fork out min $20k to get shindos to work with the Parsifals.
