Why does this old tube gear sound so good?

I have a realtively modest system...Rotel cdp feeding an MSB Link dac, Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Sig preamp with Telefunken 12at7 tube, Classe 10 amplifier driving North Creek Music Borealis speakers....Kimber and Cardas cables.

Every once in a while I pull out some vintage tube gear that I have collected...in this case a McIntosh C-11 tube preamp and a pair of McIntosh MC-60 tube amps.

I carefully insert the Mac stuff, make sure connections are good and everything fires up OK, and then.....magic.

The normal gear doesn't sound bad by any means, but with the Mac gear it just sounds more like music, more alive, robust and palpable. I know this has been discussed hundreds of times before on this forum, but I am always surprised by how good this 50 year old, original condition gear sounds.
I am not surprised at all by your preference for the Mac gear. My question is why do you use your "normal" gear when the vintage eqpt sounds better?

I'm sure the Mac gear you mention sounds very nice. In contrast to your SS Classe system it is certain to provide a markedly different sound. I wonder if that difference might be more a matter of tubes vs ss, as opposed to 'old' tube gear sounding best. Have you tried other, more modern tube kits and compared them to the Mac stuff? You might like a whole variety of 'newer' tube gear as well, perhaps even more than the vintage Mac stuff. I guess my question is, on what basis are you concluding the that it's just "old" tube gear...what else have you compared it to?

Tubes are an old and mature technology. As a result, tube based technology has been good for a long time, if implemented properly. And I believe it is generally accepted that early Mac equipment was well engineered for its time. I don't think it would be as good as state of the art modern tube gear, but it should stand up very well to lesser, modern gear. You should use it and enjoy it.