New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones

The purchase of Wilson audio's Maxx II has me thinking about getting some new monoblocks. I already own ML 33s and ML 33h will sell the later. The ASR will stay as well.
I want to try some new designs and am having a tuff time deciding upon which one. The reason is strictly for change, eat the same food everyday you get my drift.
The list of amps are:
Ayre, Linn, Pass, Lamm.......
and also some tubed units:
Lamm, Air Tight, Audio Research, VTL, Covergent Audio...
Has anybody heard these paired together in a system, if so what impressions do you have.

Thanks for reading.
Dave Wilson uses VTL Sigfrieds in his house driving X-2, and this combo sound terrific (with ARC Ref 3 and ARC Ref 7). He also has a pair of Lamm ML2.1 and another pair at the factory.

Call Trent at Wilson Audio - I belive he has them as well and can answer all your questions.
Why not the DarTZeel? It seems to be the preferred amp by some respected fellow audiophiles.

Dazzdax: the DartZeel doesn't really have enough current I've read for controling Maxx's. Just like my Lamm M1.1 solid state/hybrid 100watts ran out of juice controlling my WP7's, but the M2.1 worked no problem. So some people buy the DarTZeel Preamp and use another amp to get the characterics of that manufacture.
"Dazzdax: the DartZeel doesn't really have enough current I've read for controling Maxx's. Just like my Lamm M1.1 solid state/hybrid 100watts ran out of juice controlling my WP7's, but the M2.1 worked no problem. So some people buy the DarTZeel Preamp and use another amp to get the characterics of that manufacture."

Even though I am not a DartZeel fan I am not so sure that I agree with you. As for the Lamm 1.1 Ref running out of power on your WP 7's I find that difficult to understand. My son BTW has MAXX ll's and drives them with ease with his LAMM M1.1 Ref. Personally I would still go with the LAMM ML 2.1's as the amp is absolute magic. They drive my behemoth X-2's with ease and plenty of headroom. Not bad for 18wpc.