I strongly recommend the Exemplar Statement amp. It is integrated but you can bypass the line stage. I have not owned a ss amp in over 35 years,with the exception of the tiny 25 watt amp whose name I cannot recall. I heard the Statement amp at the RMAF with the Model 10 LSA speakers. I tried the Statement on my Acapella La Companellas and was shocked. There was no grain; it had the bass control one expects of ss; its top end was clean and extended; and it was quite dynamic.
It certainly is far superior to any other ss amp I have ever heard, and at $6500 is a great buy. One also gets a good line and phono stage that I would recommend if you need it when you top notch line stage is down.
The Exemplar Statement is the top amp of three available through LSA. There is the base model and an improved line stage model from LSA. Finally, the Exemplar Statement is the top amp.