Input voltage gain on levinson amps ?

Could anyone tell me what the input voltage gain is on levinson amps models 29 and 20.6.
Thank you
I think you are confusing input voltage sensitivity with voltage gain. If you "add" the gain to the input sensitivity, you get rated output voltage of the amp.

What you need to know is either the voltage gain of the amp or the voltage needed to drive the amp to full output. You can then use the two formulas to figure out the gain: P=Vsquared/R and Gain=20log(V2/V1).
What I am trying to find is this,can I run both power amps 29 and 20.6 at the same time through one pre amp and get the same volume level to the speakers.In other words will one set of speakers running on the 20.6 be loader than another set of speaker in another room using the 29 amps
Hope you can help
The volume will be the same only if the voltage gain for the two amps is the same. However, even if the volume is the same, the two systems will sound different. If the systems are in different rooms this probably won't matter, but then neither would different volumes matter, right? I guess I am not sure what you are asking. I highly doubt the two amps will have the same voltage gain, but the only way to tell for sure is to either know the gain outright, in dB, or to know the amp's voltage sensitivity, i.e. how many volts input to the amp will drive it to full volume. An example could be 2 volts to give 200 wpc. From this figure you can figure out the gain knowing the input voltage and the impedance of your speakers.