Is a DAC to Amp hook up better??

Just to satisfy a curiosity of mine last night, I decided to hook my Esoteric D70 DAC directly into my McIntosh 501 Monoblocks using a 3 meter pair of Stealth Metacarbon IC’s this was done since the 1 meter Stealth Indra I use going from the DAC to preamp are too short.

What I experienced was going directly into the monoblocks from the DAC, the sonics, resolution and transparency all improved at least 25%, I began trying to figure out how to reposition some equipment so I could listen with a direct feed using the Indra, however it just will not work.

The question I have is, has anyone experienced this type of ordeal or heard of anyone who prefers going from DAC to amps not using a preamp. Does the preamp introduce that much noise or is there something else I need to consider?

I am baffled at how much my system improved without the preamp. Previously I felt it sounded superb with a preamp, however I had not heard the system since the RAM mods were done to the Esoteric P70/D70 using a direct feed. Just when I thought I may be almost there, I find out there is so much more to do.

Give me your thoughts/opinions please. Thanks
I see, well I think you have answered your own question by discovering that a system can sound very good and possibly it's best without an active preamp. For the full story I would search the archives on passive preamps, but here in a nutshell is what you will find.

You will find 3 camps:

1. No system can reach it's full potential with an active preamp

2. No system can reach it's full potential without an active preamp

3. each system is different and some work better with an active and some with a passive.

I am firmly in no. 3 but designed my system with the minimum gain stages possible and paid close attention to impedances, and so eliminated the active preamp.
I believe you hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for the outstanding advice and feedback.
I guess I will have to eat crow and back off my initial claim of 25% improvement. I have recently discovered a bad tube in my preamp, I replaced the tube, now with the preamp restored, the system is performing marvelously.