Please tell me.

OK, so I recently got my OLD Harmon Kardon back. It's a PM 655 VXI (20 years old). I currently own a Bryston 4b SST... brand new (a 300/W monster). Why does the HK sound better??? It is SO warm and the bass is sweeter. Reminds me of the Krell KSA 150 I use to own. I can't believe HOW good it sounds on my dyns. WHY????? Is this really as good as it sounds to me????? I'm having a hard time justifying that I spent $2400 on my Bryston when I like the way my OLD HK sounds better. I realize the Bryston is "accurate" and less "colored" but it does not have the sweet warm sound that the HK does... tube like. I'm freaking out on the sound of this unit. Does anyone know anything about it? Please advise.

the bryston will take at least 100 hours to break in. it will sound better than your other amp at that point
Wwshull, All Bryston amps are ready to go without any "break-in" period needed. Bryston folks run all their amps thru a 100 hours " break-in" process at their factory before shipping their amps to their dealers. What you receive from your dealer is good to go. As Bob said, Bryston gears is very neutral at the least distortion with virtually nothing added. If warmer sound is your flavor, go with some tube amps or hybrid amps. The 4 bsst is one of the best value you can get for the money. I myself, just like to have a little flavor ( coloration, name it) in my listening session.
If you go to live concerts...jazz club, symphony hall, theater stage, yada yada; the concert venue itself has a sound. The more famous venues tend to sound great.

A neutral amp is fine if that is what you want; to me it is like being in a neutral concert venue. Might as well wear headphones. My system give me the "coloration" that creates that live concert feeling.

To each his own. Many audiophiles do want to listen to perfect sound. I am not an audiophile in that sense. I am a music lover with a nice system.
I definately appreciate all your feedback. I was introduced to high end by people who preached accuracy only. They kind of brainwashed me to think that was what defined "high end". I have accepted that I don't necassarily prefer a "neutral" or "accurate" system. It's boring to me. I too like warmth and coloration. This Bryston definately doesn't have that. It's obviously a wonderful amp but not for me. I'm really curious to try out a tube or hybrid integrated amp. Something in the $2000 range. It has to have plenty of slam and warm bass W/control. I LOVE the Krell KSA 150 (limitless power and bass) on my Dyn's if that gives you an idea. Any suggestions?
You really summed it up nice Sugarbrie. I am a lifelong drummer and a touring roadie so I live with live music. Little bookshelf speakers on stands in a "neutral" system don't do it for me. To me that does not come close to reproducing live instruments. No system does for that matter. When a cymbal is struck the sound reflects in all directions using the room as a speaker. It not just L/R directional information for your ears. This applies to almost all instruments. What is accuracy???? It seems to me the only REAL accuracy is standing in the room when the instrument is played. Other than that, why try to "accurately" reproduce it? I don't consider instruments coming out of ANY stereo accurate. I just try to get as close as I can and having a "neutral" system doesn't achieve this for me. Just my opinion.