Amp for some new Gallos

I am looking for an amp to go with my new Gallo Refs (3.1). I have the Gallo amp and a C-J CT6 preamp. Leaning towards tubes. Thoughts?
I would like to point out that according to the manual; these speakers need to be broken in with some power. While they will work with low powered tube equipment, they need to be broken in with power. I am using 50 watt canary 339s on mine. They are not broken in as yet. But they are sounding better every day.
I am using a pair of Cary 805Cs w/o the sub amp for my Gallo Ref 3.0s. The combo is fantastic.

I agree with Jjmali. Break them in for a few weeks/months before spending much on an amp. They will "soften" up over time and will have less of a need for the tube sound.
agree with Elevick...the overall mellow character of the gallo doesn't need tubes...that said, a cj amp is pretty good with jusy about any pair of speakers.
Jjmali, excellent point, which I forgot. The more power you can throw at them during break-in, the better. My understanding is that they're close to a true 8 ohm load as the factory specs indicate; my amps would be hard pressed to drive 5 ohms.