Which 6SN7's for Rogue 99 Pre

I was just wondering which 6SN7 tube you guys with Rogue 99 Magnum pre's are using. I have been using Sylvania VT 231's and the BAD BOYS with great results, are there any others?
I cannot comment on the Rogue 99 specifically, but in other preamps my favorite 6SN7 tubes (most from the 1940s) are:

Sylvania 6SN7W
These come in three versions.
Two are tall glass bottle (one of those with a metal base)
and one short glass bottle.

Tung Sol Round Plate VT-231/CTL6SN7GT - They have black coated glass.

Ken Rad VT-231 - Some have black glass, some are clear glass. People will pay a lot more for the black glass ones, however there is really no difference. The black coating was an attempt to reduce RFI for some 1940's military applications. This is basically N/A today.

Raytheon VT-231

RCA VT-231/CTL6SN7GT. These have grey colored glass.

Did you buy the Rogue 99 used? I ask because the stock Philips 6SN7WGTA that came with the Magnum version are pretty good.
Yes I bought it used, I have had it for 2 years now and am very happy with it. I still have the Philips tubes just never tried them.
My Magnum came with Electro Harmonix tubes. Think it was 3-4 years old when I bought it. (store demo) Guess they switched. The EHs aren't that bad for new stock. Not as quiet (or detailed) as the Sylvania NOS in there now, but not bad. I know from speaking with Mark O'Brian at Rogue that he was never really happy with the EHs. Top notch company to buy from. Mark can put up with my constant questions! New NOS for the phono stage coming! Diana Krall is singing in my living room. Awesome.
The switch was probably because the supply of new Philips tubes dried up. They were military tubes from the 1980's.

Blue Circle was using them also in the BC21 preamp and BC2 mono blocks.