Smooth and silky top end

Hi folks, I'm not a techie but does anyone know how you can get an extended but silky top end out of an solid state power amplifier? Design plays a of course a pivotal role: Could one achieve this silky top end by using negative feedback, mode of amplification (class A, class D)? Or is it a matter of execution: parts selection and matching, use of solely discrete parts (no OPamps), use of tubes (hybrid solid state/tube design)? I know you can achieve this goal by treble cut off or by softening of the treble using filters, cables or tweaks that soften treble response, but that is not what I mean. Btw, a known solid state reference for a silky and extended treble are the FM Acoustics power amplifiers (especially the 800A, a 40-year old design!).
This issue leads to the next question: Is a silky and smooth top end a characteristic of good amplification or is it in fact a form of coloration (softening of the treble by non linearities in the electronics). Amp designers are welcome to comment on these topics.

It isn't ever clear what it takes to get a particular sound. There are many SS amps with silky top ends and each one is done differently so it appears there are several ways to achieve it.

I used to think that slightly reduced top-end frequency extension was the main way but then if you look at, for example, McIntosh MC501 in Stereophile measurements section, their -3dB point is at 120kHz - and that is with an output autotransformer! So that guess is flawed.

One reason could be that a smooth top end can be induced from the other end. A slight excess of bass can make the top end appear silkier. I have expereinced this first hand since I use a horizontal biamp configuration in my stereo. If I turn down the gain on the high amp, thereby effectively boosting the bass, the highs will seem softer eventhough the tubes are firmly in their linear region of operation. The perceived spectral balance is a relative thing.

So there is no clear answer. I think there is probably an exception to whatever rule we can come up with. Even an amplifier is a highly complex system and once you hook it up into another highly complex system such as a stereo, well, you know what happens....

In terms of whether it is good or bad, that too is entirely relative. With edgy speakers, it is good and not a coloration but perfect "neutrality." But with soft tweeters, it isn't. The fact is, nothing is perfect and everything is different so words such as "colored" and "neutral" are effectively meaningless.

To my experience this silky top end is inherent to the amplifier/front end/speakers. You can't have a silky top end by using tweaks or cables if the system doesn't already show this characteristic. Even the most sophisticated power conditioning can't create this sound characteristic. No, it has nothing to do with treble cut off or -6dB top end attenuation above 15kHz, nor it has to do with ultra low distortion.

Not an easy question to answer.

Just my opinion, but I think it may depend on the design, but I think the design among other factors, is also driven by personal preference for sound(that is why there is a house sound). I have not heard high-end amplifiers that would sound the same. Each of the amps would have some sort of a sonic print. You just have to do research and listening to determine what amplifier you like the most.

Also, I think all of the components are equally important in order to arrive with a sound that is balanced, extended and natural. And the amplifier would have a huge sonic impact on the final sound.
Also, aside from the basic sonic signature of the amp, there should be no compatibility issues in the source->preamp->amp chain. If there is an impedance mismatch, you may be abole to make a smooth sounding amp sound harsh and bright sounding amp sound muffled at high frequencies.

And of course, the last piece of the puzzle is how capable are the speakers.

The most important is to select the speakers that would do justice to the type of music you listen to.

Every piece in a system adds coloration. Are there neutral components?
I would be interested to know how one defines neutrality when it comes to music reproduction.
There are too many variables, starting with a source material that begins in the recording studio, all the way up to your room acoustics and your ears. So to me, neutrality is a vague term, especially when the components are interconnected with cables.

My reference is live music. I do believe a satisfactory results can be achieved with a properly selected components that make a "system", but I really don't think it is possible to exactly replicate a live event through a stereo system, no matter how good this system is.

Trying to replicate in your house with your system, how a Mahler's 5th symphony sounds live in Carnegie Hall, my best wishes to you.

Anyway, this is a very interesting thread and should be fun to follow.