BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?

I've never heard a BAT preamp. But I've heard enough about them on this and other sites. What is it about their sonics that people either tend to really like or really dislike them?

I've heard criticisms that they lack air, treble openness, life. I've been told the VK32SE is too dark, too weighted to the bottom, no air or delicacy on top.

I've heard these polarized opinions from audio salesmen as well, some who carried (carry) BAT. Let's just say I made alot of long distance calls to get a broad opinion.

But others love their sound and think they are fabulous.

I know what you're going to tell me - go listen to them yourself. Well, I live rural and it isn't easy to do.

So, instead, I'd like to get opinions across the spectrum from the Audiogon guys.

I'm using a Audio Research 100.2 with Dali Helicon 400's. I've tried Rogue, ARC, Sonic Frontiers, but haven't found the right preamp yet.
Glai, how can the treble be "closed in" but "really open up" with the right power cord? If the treble is indeed closed in or hooded or airless or dull as some say, I don't think any power cord is going to eliminate it.
Much of the sound of a BAT preamp as compared to most others is likely due to their preference for oil caps (high quality copper foil in oil, I think) as output coupling capacitors. Some DIYers love the sound of oil caps and some don't, but the description of the "sound" of an oil cap used in a coupling application would be much like the description of the sound of a BAT preamp. In fact, if one did not like that sound, one could make a radical change by changing the output coupling capacitors, IMO.
The presentation of the 51se does change a lot with different power cords. It was muted with shunyata and audience PCs but great with SR, Harmonix stuff.

ARC is slightly better with textures and bass. The ARC makes the soundstage much bigger than every preamp I have had. It is probably not very accurate in this effect but I find it enjoyable. Bat is a more direct and faster sounding amp. Bat has more useful features if you switch betw vinyl and CD.

Amp pass x350.5, vac phi 110, mcintosh 275, avalon diamonds, quad 2805
it is better not to buy any component based upon opinions.

if you can't audition a component before you buy it, don't buy the component. if necessary drive or get on a plane, especially if it is an expensive component.

some manufacturer's are flexible. they may make an arrangement with a dealer to shp a component to you, or in rare cases, ship the component to you.

i realize the stock and trade of audiogon is opinions.
no opinion can predict your preference or dislike for a component. i think too much value is given to opinions.

well-intentioned advice about the sound of components as well as opinions about the sound quality of preamps, amps, speakers and cd players is a poor substitute for personal experience.
From my expirience (I owned BAT 51SE for over 2 years) BAT is thick, slow and veiled. This is a typical BAT sound to me - I have tried severeal BAT components (VK30, VK-500, VK-150SE) and they all have this sonic signature. ARC Ref 3 on the other hand sounds open, fast and transparent. It is not brgight or thin byany means - just right.

I have also to agree with Mr tennis opinion here - If I were you, I would arrange a demo, even If I had to travel outside your town/state.