BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?

I've never heard a BAT preamp. But I've heard enough about them on this and other sites. What is it about their sonics that people either tend to really like or really dislike them?

I've heard criticisms that they lack air, treble openness, life. I've been told the VK32SE is too dark, too weighted to the bottom, no air or delicacy on top.

I've heard these polarized opinions from audio salesmen as well, some who carried (carry) BAT. Let's just say I made alot of long distance calls to get a broad opinion.

But others love their sound and think they are fabulous.

I know what you're going to tell me - go listen to them yourself. Well, I live rural and it isn't easy to do.

So, instead, I'd like to get opinions across the spectrum from the Audiogon guys.

I'm using a Audio Research 100.2 with Dali Helicon 400's. I've tried Rogue, ARC, Sonic Frontiers, but haven't found the right preamp yet.
It won't help much if you listen to the BAT at the dealer's place UNLESS the equipment, speakers, room geometry, acoustics etc. are similiar, and I think you must have known that by now. Some advice of taking a trip to the dealer's place for an audition is not the best solution. Getting that piece into your system in your own room is the best solution. You have to figure it out yourself on how to achieve that though.

I am in the same agreement as Audphile1 and Dpac996 in getting whichever preamp you fancy into your system and listen to it for yourself. You can sell it if it doesn't suit you. Some opinions can still serve their purpose and steer you into the right direction but listening preferences can be so varied and subjective that you might want to trust your own ears.

Having said that, I too have relied on opinions in the forums here like everybody else. And just to let you know, prior to getting my ARC LS-16 preamp, the BAT was also on my list until I read about them being warm in comparison with ARC. I do not like warm so the BAT was left out.
I've owned 9 pieces of BAT gear, though I only currently own one. I have also had two other BAT units in my home for extended audition. During the last several years I have heard others tell me that BAT is too dark, too boomy, too veiled, too bright, too tizzy, etc. etc.

How can it be too dark and too bright? Different tastes. Those that like speed gear like ARC, VAC, find the BAT heavy and slow. Those that like warm gear like CJ and Cary, find the BAT to be hard, glassy or bright.

The point is you will only know if you listen for yourself, because others systems and tastes are not the same as yours. I found an all BAT system can be too heavy and a bit too dark for me. I've also found that a system w/o any BAT components can sound a bit lightweight or thin.
At this moment, I'm enjoying the combination of ARC preamp and BAT amp. Lil' bit o' resolution, li' bit o' body.
Sure, changing power cords and cables can help balance things out a bit too.

The bottom line is that you can listen to everyone tell you how they think it sounds, or you can decide for yourself.


You have brought up a point that has made me wonder for some time now .

BAT makes great tube preamps , tube amps and SS amps .
So why , when they decided to design an integrated amp , did they decide to go the hybrid route and use the tube pre section coupled to a SS amp section ?

Just one of those things that make me go 'hmmm' !

Happy tunes .

I would imagine they made an integrated because BAT felt there was/is a market for it. If I'm not mistaken I think it's one of BAT's most (if not the most) successful selling components.
