Isolation platform for the power amps

Hi, I have Odyssey Stratos Power amp. at present, it is on the rack. In future, it plan to have Mono blocks and may put them on the floor. Which isolation platforms is appropriate? Not looking for extotic > $ 150 ones ! Thank you.
Mrjstark, 3" granite on sand base will blow it away. At least that is my experience.
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>>What's the differance betwean "while the music is playing" and "during music playback"?<<

Depends on what the meaning of "is" is.
-William Jefferson Clinton
I'm sorry but it was an a feeble attempt to add levity to the discussion. Sorry but I don't drink or take any elicit drugs.
I have my amps on Ikea butcher block resting on cheap VTI amp stands with cone feet . The rest of my stuff is on Isol Pads.
Qutite honestly I think I hear accurately and don't hear vibratory resonance points.I do hear reflected sound wich would be easy to repair.