Isolation platform for the power amps

Hi, I have Odyssey Stratos Power amp. at present, it is on the rack. In future, it plan to have Mono blocks and may put them on the floor. Which isolation platforms is appropriate? Not looking for extotic > $ 150 ones ! Thank you.
Mrstark, I don't know what the "filthy reach" means, but thanks for your kind words.
Filthy rich. Who am I to explain its meaning ? - heard it ones or twice in the movies, that is all. I can't even give it a ***** stars recommendation since I have no experience in that department.
Now jokes aside......really. I am happy for you that you can have a luxury of trying those really, really expensive stuff and that is OK. Just tell me how do you justify its price, I mean really. I always try to find audio equipment and accessories that represent a good value and are equal or better then their counterparts from the top shelve. If I can make it, build it or tweak it my self why should I pay laughable amount of $$$$$ that some of those companies are asking. You know a lot of us will never have a chance to try or experience this stuff. Is that it ? I hope not. I have read some of your threads and answers and I am sure You know your stuff and know what you are talking about. You seem to be a very seasoned audiophile but this is one issue that I have a problem with. I am not trying to attack anybody here, it is not me but I just can't agree with You on this one. Don't take it personal, I respect You and your opinions.
Mariusz Stark
Mrjstark, I really don't understand why you think I need to justify the price to you or anyone. Remember that I initially stuck with the character of the initial post.
My best advice is never listen to the Halcyonic base under anything in sound reproduction.