Better than a CAT?

I own a CAT JL2. It is the best amp I have ever heard. I would like to know if someone who has owned a CAT, or is very familiar with their sound, has found an amp that they have found to be better in their opinion. I would like to hear from those that have auditioned other highly touted ampfliers and decided to stay with their CAT - the CAT withstood the challenge. I'm really only interested in comparisons to the CAT, not genralized comments like ,"amp xyz is the best amp I ever heard", "you should try amp xyz". I'm interested in comparative comments from those familiar with the CAT through ownership or frequent exposure to it. I personally find the amp tough to beat with its Krell-like bass and SET-like immediacy. Thank you.
Symphonic Line also happens to be the SS amplifier that Ken mentioned as one of his favourites. It might be an interesting amp to consider, but the currency exchange rates are making European equipment less and less interesting; and you don't see SL come up for sale on AG very often - but defintely a company that is on the radar screen. My speakers are Merlin VSM-MXes and they don't need a whole lot of amp to be controlled, very easy to drive
Hi,why in the world would you want to change the jl2.I looked at your system and there are other things that can be upgraded,why change the cat.It is one of the finest amps on the market.Is it the finest is debateable,slow down.Act is haste repent in lesiure.
I basically agree with you on the CAT. Send me an e-mail on what you would upgrade. The only thing I would not change is the Merlins. Thanks.

Have you tried any other amps with your Isis speakers?

Our systems are somewhat similar, Walker/Jade/RixRac, Kharma 1E's, Aesthetic Callisto/IO, 2pr Lamm ML2's bi-amped, Purist Anniversay Spkr cables and PC.

I have been flirting with replacing the ML2's with 2 JL-2's to get more dynamics, but have not been able to pull the switch. The Lamm's do so many things like no other amp I've heard, but 18 watts is 18 watts.
