Better than a CAT?

I own a CAT JL2. It is the best amp I have ever heard. I would like to know if someone who has owned a CAT, or is very familiar with their sound, has found an amp that they have found to be better in their opinion. I would like to hear from those that have auditioned other highly touted ampfliers and decided to stay with their CAT - the CAT withstood the challenge. I'm really only interested in comparisons to the CAT, not genralized comments like ,"amp xyz is the best amp I ever heard", "you should try amp xyz". I'm interested in comparative comments from those familiar with the CAT through ownership or frequent exposure to it. I personally find the amp tough to beat with its Krell-like bass and SET-like immediacy. Thank you.
Interesting. I too recently bought an Music Reference RM9 SE, so I think Roger only has a handful left.
Things sure go in circles! The RM-9 was one of the benchmark amplifiers that we felt it was important to compare to, back a good 18 years ago. I'm guessing that the RM-9s back then were not 'SE'.
The SEs were also built back then, but are all point-to-point wiring (the RM9 MKI and IIs had a board for the input stage) and use six 6bq7s in the driver stage, versus 4 6922s. I'm not sure what other tinkering Roger may have done. If I sell the CAT, the Atma-sphere OTLs are the next I want to try with my Merlins - for obvious reasons.
The Merlins are a very easy load and they show off a tube amplifier very well!