Class-D amps - a different re view

Martin Colloms, the editor of HiFi Critic (ad-free mag from the UK) have recently published the review of several different Class-D amps, together with an in depth technical analysys and measurments.

His conclusions were not favourable, to say at least:

"I regret that not a single model merits unqualified recommendation. Price is not the issue; the poor listening tests speak for themselves. (...)
At present we have to take the prudent view that good sound might be possible from switching amps, but we haven't heard it yet."

BelCanto REF1000 (ICEpower) - score 10.5 pooints
"The ICE power module used has a dependable reputation, and the design is well built and finished as a whole. While I would not suggest that you shouldn't try this amp, on sound quality grounds alone I cannot recommend it for audiophile use."

Channel Islands D100 (UcD) - score 13 pooints
"While I have reservations about a number of aspects of sound quality, and advise personal audition, given the solid lab results (...) the overall performance and the moderate price, these CA Audio monos do make it to the 'worth considering' cathegory."

NuForce 8.5V2 (proprietary technology) - score 9 pooints
"Yes, the price is good for the power output. Yes it's pretty, light, small and runs cool. However, the sound quality simply does not justify recommendation." (on top of that the NuForce amp measured very poorly - Elb)

Pro-Ject Amp Box (Flying Mole) - score 5 points
"I'm sorry to say that Project (...) was a real disappointment in the listening tests, and can't be recommended."

Just as a point of reference, recently reviewed Krell 700CX scored 100 points, CJ Premier 350 - 110 points and ARC Ref 110 - 135 points.

At least someone have had the balls to say it. This is why HiFi Critic is THE mag to subscribe.
Has anyone heard, or maybe own the Red dragon Leviathans? I have read two reviews with different opinions of the amps and was wondering if any one out there had some input on the amps. it seems there CES and RMAF rooms sound good. I would love to get into something small, cool running, and capable of driving my Thiels as well as the Krell amps I'm using now. The Musician IIISE sounds tempting but would prefer monoblocks so I dont have to replace my speaker cable.
Tom_hankins, I listened to Red Dragon twice last year at RMAF. I found them not to display any obvious digital artifacts, but they were somewhat dark to my taste. having asked some other people's impressions, there seems to be some general opinion that Red Dragons may be on the dark side of neutral with moderate harmonic development. . . . on they other hand, I heard them only in one single suite and I have not had the opportunity of hearing them again this year. . . because I went to the wrong suite. Depending on your sound preference, Red Dragons may or may not be what you are seeking.
If you like monoblocks, I understand that the Spectron Musician 3SE bridged to mono are -- according to Schang -- to be reckoned with.
Thanks Guidocorona. The Krells I am using now also tend to lean a little on the Dark side. this would probably not be an issue for me. I was wondering about them because at this years RMAF they were with Thiel speakers and also A preamp very close to what I use. The room has gotten some good press. I guess I will have to see if something shows up used and compare them or maybe the Spectron to the Krells.
hi mr g:

enjoying solid state and class d amps seems to be an acquired taste. i have not as yet acquired the taste.
perhaps you can enlighten me as to how i might acquire the taste.

then again if i acquire the taste i may not like the taste.
however it may be worth the effort.
We go on and on about the subtle "sonic character" of amps, but it is all insignificant compared with the great variability of microphones, about which we can do nothing on playback. (Well maybe a bit with an equalizer).