Polarity on a non-bladed plug?

Hi gang,
My question is a simple one---I have a outboard pwr supply (standard supply for a Aragon 24K) where the plug is the non-bladed type. I remember reading somewhere that the plug wire that has ridges on the side is the ground and the smooth side hot. Do I have this right or is the reverse the way to go? Thanks and enjoy the music.
Understood, Jea48. I understand the difference in the use of the term 'polarity' for AC circuits versus DC circuits. This difference, unfortunately, is not understood by many, however. The incorrect use of the term 'polarity' to describe ensuring that the grounds/neutral are all connected and that the 'hot' side doesn't appear at the nominal chassis ground, always leads to confusion.

The reason that I wish to remind people that AC has no polarity is to rid them of the fallacy that there is only one direction for the current. This is not true, therefore all 'mumbo-jumbo' about assymetrical AC circuits and where the hot and ground leads (which are incorrectly referred to as positive and negative) are located making a difference in sound, such as the contention with the transformer leads, is just that, 'mumbo-jumbo'. Any difference to the sound due to reversing the plug is due to a change in the noise or hum which might appear at the audio line chassis connection, not transformer configuration of hot and ground connections being asymetrical, etc.

Respectfully, Bob P.
The reason that I wish to remind people that AC has no polarity is to rid them of the fallacy that there is only one direction for the current. This is not true, therefore all 'mumbo-jumbo' about assymetrical AC circuits and where the hot and ground leads (which are incorrectly referred to as positive and negative) are located making a difference in sound, such as the contention with the transformer leads, is just that, 'mumbo-jumbo'. Any difference to the sound due to reversing the plug is due to a change in the noise or hum which might appear at the audio line chassis connection, not transformer configuration of hot and ground connections being asymetrical, etc.
Respectfully, Bob P.

Disagree..... You need to reread the link I provided by Charles Hansen. Think of the correct AC polarity orientation as I described it in my last post. Not as the current flow in the circuit changing direction 120 times per second....
Also think of the 120V AC grounded system in this way. The Hot Ungrounded conductor as the high side of the line and the Grounded Conductor (neutral) as the low side of the 120V line, with respect to earth ground. Some use the term hot and cold respectively.

These guys would also disagree with you.

Charles Hansen - Manufacturer, Ayre Acoustics, Inc.

rcrump - Manufacturer, TG Audio (deceased)

john curl - Manufacturer, Parasound, CTC

Nelson Pass- Manufacture, Pass Labs

[url=http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/electricCircuits/AC/AC_9.html] click on phasing[/url]
These guys would also disagree with you.

Charles Hansen - Manufacturer, Ayre Acoustics, Inc.

rcrump - Manufacturer, TG Audio (deceased)

john curl - Manufacturer, Parasound, CTC

Nelson Pass- Manufacture, Pass Labs

Then we shall have to remain in disagreement, since I can, of course, list a bunch of people who would agree with me and we would just have a 'pissing' match!

respectfully, Bob P.