which Jensen cap to use?

I have a hybrid amp (tube gain stage and bipolar output stage), and plan to replace its coupling caps (DynamiCaps)with Jensen oil caps. I like slightly warm sound but with lots of details.

Which one of these Jensen caps should I use, aluminum, copper foil, or copper foil paper tube?

What are the sonic difference among these Jensen caps? Thanks.

Atmasphere is right--and sometimes the result can be disaster for the circuit. But, of course, the sound you describe "warm with lots of details" is (best/only?) achieved with copper pio caps.

Can't compare the three varieties you list, but I have used the copper Jensen pio in a SET amp for years. The sound is just as you describe, and the caps have proved trouble-free.
Wasn't the leakage problem fixed some time ago? BAT continues to use Jensen caps....
Wasn't the leakage problem fixed some time ago? BAT continues to use Jensen caps....

- No, Mr. Khomenko uses caps made by Jensen according to his own specifications