Levinson 432 VS. Bryston 4 BSST

I'm running a Levinson #38 Pre with a Levinson 390S CD....thru 4 Bsst.... to Tyler acoustics Linnbrook Sigs....Would a move to Levinson 432 warrant the cost of a "full" step up? Or minor increment upwards?
Cytocyle is right on. No point of spending money on the amp until your room is treated. Consider the fact that in an untreated room, the difference between the 2 amplifiers may not even worth 2% of the price difference. If I were you, I'd consider something to treat the room first. Check out 8th nerve line of room treatments. They make the panels that are more or less WAF-friendly, not bulky and pretty affordable and functional.
BTW, you may get some warmth when the room's treated...you'll hear deeper into the music and it won't sound as bright.
I have an all Levinson front end-320S,36/37 and I love them.
You may also want to consider an amp like the Pass X350.
They go for similar money used,and you will not have any of the dependability issues you may have with the Levinson.Levinson doesn't even do their own repairs,they refer you to an independent repair facility.Good luck with that!!!
If you call Pass,you may even get to talk to Nelson himself,or hear him answer a question that you just asked the person on the phone.
I use a combo Pass Levinson system.

Pass is great company and the newest amps are world-beaters, but the 432 is very good.

I really don't think you can beat the Bryston also.

All good choices, if I had unlimited funds I'd get the latest production Pass amps.