Suggestions on Balanced Pre-Amp for Claytons

I'm looking for a new pre-amp suggestion in a balanced system I'm putting together. I'm looking to maintain a musical, detailed, transparent, and balanced sound. Do not want dry, lean, analytical, or trebel, mid range, or bass over-emphasized sound. Been looking at Gryphon, MBL 6010D, Simaudio P-8, Shindo, BAT 52/REX, and Cary SPL-05. I'd like a black finish, remote, and keep price new or used in the $10-15 K range.
You most likely will not have heard of this brand but it should be on a short list IMO.
Reflection Audio is fully balanced and uses a battery power supply. Stephen Balliet has done an excellent job with this product that competes with or exceeds the very best.
I have no connection to Stephen or Reflection but would encourage you to check it out.
Wow! Wilson has been busy! I knew he recently released the M-200, but I didn't know about the M-300. I just Google'd it, I'll bet it sounds great! Congrats!

A Clayton Pre-amp could be a consideration, but it also could lend to a leaner, dry sound verses using a tube based preamplifier for some warmth and musicality. I've seen more references of Clayton amps being used with tubes for realistic music reproduction than a SS pre. I don't see alot of SS pre's getting musical recognition without coloration regularly except the MBL 6010D, Gryphon Mirage, or Krell Evolution Two and look at their price points. From a price performance ratio it will be interesting to hear how the Clayton sounds relative to it's price as compared to tube pre-amps. The recent review of the 200's in positive feedback used a Cary 05.