Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402?

I have B&W N802 and for some time planning to buy X250.5 amp.
I heard others found better match with big Macs?! I also had good results with Mimetism Audio 15.2 model. Please advise...
This could be a tough call Srdan as it could come down to preference, both are fine amps. I would suggest that if you heard a particular combination that you liked, Pass and B&W, I would suggest that you pursue that as you know that you liked it and that is what matters most.
I don't think X250.5 will be optimal for your N802s.
I drive N803 with an X250.5 and it is just wright.
You'll need at least an X350.5 or if you go with McIntosh, then go for the MC501 monoblocks. Don't bother with the MC402 because it won't provide the proper drive for the N802s and they may end up sounding lean in the bass and with tilted up highs actually with both the X250.5 and the MC402. You need more power for these speakers.
Pass X350.5, MAC MC501, McCormack DNA-500, or may be one of the bigger Classe amps.
I too am considering the Pass X series, I presently own a pair of Mac 501's, I have owned a Mac amp since 1978, no other, my fear is if I change I may not like a different amp due to I am so used to the Mac sound. Another problem is yes you can go to a showroom and listen to different amps, however it may not sound as good in your system. I live in Wichita KS and there are absolutely "zero" highend establishments inside of a 200 mile radius, most places in KC will not hear of taking a piece home for a brief audition. So what do you do? I have considered moving up to the MC-1201, I was trying to wait to see if Mac will be announcing a new line of amps anytime soon, does anyone out there have any updates concerning Mac upgrades?
I use a MC402 with B&W CDM9NT. The Mac was the first time I have ever heard a balanced sound from my speakers - previously sounded too bright and edgy. I can't imagine a more perfect amp for my system.