Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402?

I have B&W N802 and for some time planning to buy X250.5 amp.
I heard others found better match with big Macs?! I also had good results with Mimetism Audio 15.2 model. Please advise...
I too am considering the Pass X series, I presently own a pair of Mac 501's, I have owned a Mac amp since 1978, no other, my fear is if I change I may not like a different amp due to I am so used to the Mac sound. Another problem is yes you can go to a showroom and listen to different amps, however it may not sound as good in your system. I live in Wichita KS and there are absolutely "zero" highend establishments inside of a 200 mile radius, most places in KC will not hear of taking a piece home for a brief audition. So what do you do? I have considered moving up to the MC-1201, I was trying to wait to see if Mac will be announcing a new line of amps anytime soon, does anyone out there have any updates concerning Mac upgrades?
I use a MC402 with B&W CDM9NT. The Mac was the first time I have ever heard a balanced sound from my speakers - previously sounded too bright and edgy. I can't imagine a more perfect amp for my system.
I have heard both and find the Mac stuff sounds veiled and flat in comparison to Pass. Just my two cents.
Have you ever listen 802D with Spectron Musician III SIgnature?
Try it and you are for the treat
All The Best
Lots of varying thoughts and opinions here just to make it all the more confusing. A few comments... may be correct in your suggestions. I don't know if the N802 is easier to drive than the 802D, but I wasn't happy with my system when I had both the MC402 and 802D. I don't want to degrade the 802D but rather suggest that the 501's would have been much better with the 802D's, as others have stated as well; and also maybe my room wasn't the best for them.

Mmitch7711...why do you want to change? If you are pleased with your setup, don't fiddle with it.

Arbuckle...I am using a MC402 in my system and I certainly do not find it veiled or flat, far from either. I suppose it would be easy for me to assume the Pass is hyping the signal in regards to your statement, but I don't believe that; as I stated earlier, both are fine pieces.