Has anyone compared Ayre K-1xe to ARC Ref 3 or VTL

I have an Ayre K-1xe preamp with phono stage - which I love.

But I have since acquired an Aesthetix Io Signature, so I no longer use the Ayre's built-in phono stage, which occupies one of the Ayre's 3 balanced XLR inputs. The Io sounds noticeably better through the balanced XLR connections than the single ended connections.

More recently I acquired an Exemplar Denon 5910 with balanced XLR outs only. I also have an Ayre C-5xe, which also sounds much better through the balanced XLR connections than the single ended connections.

I asked Ayre to remove the phono card and return its associated balanced XLR input to line stage. Ayre refuses to remove phono cards from its preamps. So now I have to choose between compromising the sound of vinyl or digital through the C-5xe.

All of this sets the stage for me to sell the K-1xe. I'm considering replacing it with an ARC Ref 3 or a VTL 7.5. I would welcome thoughts from those with experience with these 3 preamps.


Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
I recently got a VTL 6.5 (considering the 7.5)...tried the ARC ref 3 and K1xe prior to getting the vtl...there is slight possibility that the forthcoming Ayre KX-R pre amp might be end target...but I do enjoy the detail/musicality of the vtl...seems like a very good match...the ARC wasn't as good at low end...

Hi all,

Thanks for the your info and suggestions.

Re Calliston Signature -- this would be the best in my opinion, but only accepts 2 balanced inputs. They rarely come up on Audiogon and even more rarely have the remote control which I can't do without and I can't afford a new one.

Waiting to listen to the new Ayre KX-R may be a wise choice. But the configuration of the Ref 3 would be excellent in my system.

Was a little late this weekend on some Ref 3 opportunities on Audiogon. Still keeping open mind on Ayre, ARC & VTL.


I have played with those components...ended up with VTL...next would be the K1xe...last would be the Ref...but guess it depends upon which version of the Ref 3 you are playing with...the one I borrowed I think was recent...but not sure....and of course I have one eye on the upcoming KX-R from Ayre...
hi ed, a while back i posted a long review of the vtl 6.5 pre vs the ref 3. i agree with hikejohn above regarding the ref 3 at the low end. i have auditioned the vtl 7.5 mk 2 only briefly, but enough to know it is of a higher level than the vtl 6.5 which i felt was overall superior to the ref 3. the k1xe is also excellent. note - if you are missing resolution on the low end with cd's it is from the c5xe, excellent all around but weakest at the bottom in terms of articulation. cheers. marc