Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.

Gordon Holt telling it the way it is. I have to tell you; I agree almost with 100% of what he's said. I look forward to the Stereophile print where a full article is too be written. I will purchase that issue.
I know what speakers he uses already but I lost track of the other pieces after he left Stereophile.
Why don't you start with sharing what the speakers are?
JGH represents, IMHO, that group of folks around when HiFi was a group of DIY hobbists who had far more interest in 'sound' than in music. Train's and planes anyone? Lots of fun experimenting in those days.

His holy grail of 'live music' as a goal is virtually unobtainable and when seriously pursued only results in the expenditure of lots of money and frustration.

Todays 'hobby' is about collection and synergy which will result in a system which results in its owners satisfaction when listening. Its not about perfect replication about recorded what.

IMHO, JGH is in fact a frustrated old man why has see 'his' hobby devalued. Whats new! Lets talk about 'digital v film' 'dark room v computer' photography for examply. Personally I still like film and darkroom, but I ain't bitching about digital. I just bought a digital camera...and I love it (for what it does well). Ditto for many other hobbies and professions as well.

I guess there are still a lot of people who still follow the old chant"Holt, in whose ears we trust".
Hey, he is over thirty you know!
Do you still trust his old ears and his old style beliefs? Especially you young Gen X'ers?
In the old days he would diss all the Harry Pearson raves and Tas would have a field day counter-punching.
Who was right?
I think both magazines have morphed into one and have taken over the void left when Stereo Review folded it's tent.
Hirsch, Holt, Pearson, Atkinson, so many audio reviewers to criticize and so little time.
Hey folks, get a grip, it's just info-tainment.
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Why don't you start with sharing what the speakers are?

According to the grapevine, Gordon Holt is happier than the proverbial pig with his ATC SCM 50ASL's. I also read somewhere that he had Sound Lab electrostatics in the past (may still have them for all I know). I am more curious to know what other gear he uses - does anyone know?