Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.

Gordon Holt telling it the way it is. I have to tell you; I agree almost with 100% of what he's said. I look forward to the Stereophile print where a full article is too be written. I will purchase that issue.
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I miss the days of JGH, HP, irregular issues, no (few) photos and expensive subscriptions. Now the trains run on time and a year cost you $12. It does feel like we lost something. But you know, some internet sites are filling the void to some extent.
Blind testing would be great but will NEVER happen, the powers that be have many well crafted arguements against the blind test to save their jobs and the hobby as a whole.
If people bought with their ears and not their eyes the house of cards would crumble so it remains a case of if you want to THINK it sounds better it will, and in the end I suppose there are no real victims but it is a bit pathetic that so many smart people can be so taken.
All you youngins'... talkin' 'bout my ge-generation... can eat scat.And Mr.Holt can as well.On a tangent here I know,but the truth,unvarnished,is that in America each successive generation has, and continues to, become the 'most spoiled' generation ever.And save your flamethrowers as I don't give a rat's arse about you comments to the contrary.I feel much better now.
I'm glad JGH is retired. We did change the world for the better. We gave the little guy a chance against the powerful. The conservatives have taken power back with a vengeance.
We will soon learn the damge they have done. War, pollution, corruption, have expanded exponentially. We are on the edge of depression. The first thing to go-discretionary income. Goodbye high end.