Tube hiss - any idea what's causing it?

I own an Eastern Electric M520 integrated amp that I am very fond of. However, recently I have noticed that there is a great deal of rather disturbing hiss eminating from my Omega XRS speakers once I power the unit up. The hiss does not increase when the volume is turned up. It's always there and very noticable during quiet passages. It's definitely a hiss and not a hum.

I checked the tubes and noticed that when I touch or slightly jiggle the front EF86 tubes, the hiss gets louder/softer when they are moved. Could it be that these tubes are going already? I do not have many hours on them. Maybe 100 at best. Should I consider replacing them or perhaps checking the other tubes too - perhaps the 5 AR4 rectifier tubes? I doubt it's the power tubes.

Do you have any thoughts/recommendations for me at this point. I am not sure how to proceed. As always, thanks for your time.
Most likely the EF86's are microphonic, not necessarily dying. Its not unusual for tubes that sound OK at first get noisy shortly thereafter, depending on their initial qualities and how hard they are driven in the curcuit. You may need to focus on getting some 'low noise' tubes. Research the needs in your pre-amp for low noise tubes and if it has a reputation for needing low noise EF86's buy accordingly. I agree its not likely that the power tubes are going bad, and I doubt that its the rectifiers either.
I agree with Newbee's response - tubes can turn microphonic after they get some time on them - its not unusual for microphony to show up after a few weeks of initial use. Might be worthwhile to have a few extras on hand anyway, so getting some replacements to try will let you swap them around to locate which tube or tubes are the culprits.

Fwiw, tube dampers can ameliorate microphonics and give quieter output. Herbie's Audio Lab dampers are the best I've tried.


How do you like the Omegas. I am considering the XRS for a system up north in my cottage. I was thinking of driving them with a Cary CAD300SEI or SLI80.

Sounds like a bad tube to me I had one do a similar thing in a cj pre-amp replaced the tube and all was fine. I had a tube go microphonic in a different pre-amp which is characterized by you tapping on the or around the amp and the tapping eminates out your speakers.

The XRS are great and Louis is a wonderful person to deal with. My highest recommendation!