Tube amps with BALLS in the low end registrer ???

i am searching for a moderate power (200 to 250 WPC)tube mono block amp who got balls in the low end !!!
Any sugestions with hybrid mono block amps are welcome
Alternative from SS AMPS are : MCintosh MC 501 or the PASS X350.5 ???
Which pair of amps will be the best to drive with comfort a pair of PARSIFAL ENCORE ?
P.S.: i like a soft and WET sound !!!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
Second Moscode 401R - I have 2, bi-amping and they can be each used in mono-mode (switch on back) - they have huge balls - and you can make the tubes soft and wet:)
I've been very pleased with the bottom end on my VTL MB-450's, full and extended (as John mentioned they couldn't be called moderate power, though in triode mode they're about the power you're looking for).
why not just biamp? get a 50 to 100 watt tube amp for the top and a mega watt solid state amp for the bass. you might could save some dough by going with a digital amp for the bass.
My system have a huge balls.
And I think most of us like it soft and wet.
Bi-amping might be the way to go.....for you.

I second Kaicable's response re: Kronzilla DX. I have the KRonzilla SXi with half the power of the DX (50 watts/channel) using 90db sensitive speakers and the way the Kronzilla grabs hold of the low end and still remains extremely musical is astounding. Take Bela Fleck's Flight of the Cosmic Hippo for example. Thinking of the bass on that cut makes me smill.