Tube amps with BALLS in the low end registrer ???

i am searching for a moderate power (200 to 250 WPC)tube mono block amp who got balls in the low end !!!
Any sugestions with hybrid mono block amps are welcome
Alternative from SS AMPS are : MCintosh MC 501 or the PASS X350.5 ???
Which pair of amps will be the best to drive with comfort a pair of PARSIFAL ENCORE ?
P.S.: i like a soft and WET sound !!!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
Atmasphere, your amps are among the best, but he claims to want "soft and WET", which he is unlikely to get with your stuff, or CAT for that matter; now if he wants fast,neutral, transparent and clear along with "ballsy" bass... Then again, I don't know if he is serious.
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I think LAMM M 1.2 and LAMM M 2.2 and also BLUE CIRCLE AUDIO BC 208 should mate what i am searching for ???
It depend how wet and lush i want it !!!
Don't forget that is to mate with PARSIFAL OVATION.
My front end is a CEC TLO + JADIS JS1 + CJ PREMIER 16 LS 2...
It is so funny that interesting tread ending up in a kind of war opinion !!!
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