Confusion about "high-end" racks


I'm searching for a rack upgrade : finite master reference, grand prix audio monaco, sistrum, critical mass, audiav crystal or diamond series, silent running audio....
All use different approaches, different materials etc.. and usually criticize negatively one each other, especially I'm impressed reading comments from audiav about sra.
Is there specific experience, which is the most neutral - less coloured approach? what other parameters should consider?

I think you posted on a now removed post that you had ordered these. Mine should be here ~12/21 as it stands, mine will be 6' tall with 8 shelves, all signature with mag block, three granite shelves, in black. Oh yeah, I went with Crystal as well!

Glad to hear you like it!
Wwshull, isolate the racks from what exactly? I assume vibrations. Tell me how they can affect the sound to a level of audibility on music? I suspect you will come out with the mantra that the vibrations cause changes in magnetic fields that affect electrons in circuits. If so, assuming that this is so, what levels of electronic perturbation are we looking at here that would make this audible by humans on music reproduction? What about the transmission of vibrations through the air, do you think that a rack will resolve any of this, even admitting that there is some physical mechanism that pollutes electronic signals trough very low levels of vibration? Would the solution not be, as I have indicated, to site the equipment in another room, preferably a concrete bunker?

Aside from the acoustic effects of an improperly placed set of electronic components in a sound room, an expensive rack is a poor investment IMHO with the money better used elsewhere, even, dare I say without fear of reprisal, on records!

My new racks will hold all the wieght I need and keep my components safe and vibration free with shielding of magnetic forces as well. Will it sound better? I don't know, but I don't ever have to worry about a shelve breaking and losing $100K worth of gear from a rack failure.

Isn't that alone worth the price?
Whatever you want and you can afford is worth the price. Glad to see that the main purpose is to hold your equipment. I simply would not give too much credence to claims of vibration reduction having an audible effect, and now you have to throw in magnetic forces...