Which Mundorf for my tubes?

Got a pair of Antique Sound Wave AV-8 monoblocks to build an entry level tube set.Nice sound for the price.
I'm trying now to change caps to improve them,and decided to try Mundorf as Auricaps are not availiable here in Argentine.
A dealer has in stock the Supremes and the Supremes Silver Gold.In a month he'll receive the Supremes Silver Oil,so I'm a bit confused about which will best suit my needs.Is the extra cost of the latter two worth for this system?Which would you choose in my place?
I listen mostly jazz at moderate levels in a small/medium room with monitors 92 db efficient.
Thanks in advance for your help
Dpac996, what was the brand of caps in your BAT before you upgraded to Mundorf's?
Paul, I put Dynamicaps in my Alon's (going to the tweeter) and love the sound. It was a huge improvement over the stock Solens. I'd like to try a pair of Mundorfs Silver/Oil. -Mark
I'm not 100% sure but I think they are rebranded Jensen PIO. They got leaky over time and made noisy sounds (especially pop on mute) when the unit was warmed up for some time. A while back I put Dynamicap 4uF 425 V into my (then) ARC lS15, and they performed very well. That preamp still sings and is very solid (i've been using it as a long term loaner from a friend).
I've read that the Mundorf's need about 400 hours. I made 15 kohm (into signal ground) dummy loads for each phase on a female xlr chassis mount connector from newark. This is allowing me to run at unity gain and higher into a real load with zero stress on the amp. I installed them (it was fairly simple) on Friday, so I have a while to go...
The Dynamicaps and Hovalands are both a little zippy for me. The Auricaps are a little cleaner and more neutral.
Then there is Mundorf- cleaner, clearer and more detail without the zip.
Installed Mundorfs in my Modwright pre. Had a dealer install the Mundorfs instead of the Vcaps he sells. He said the Mundorfs were far cleaner and more detailed than his Vcaps.
Heard about the Mundorfs at the RMAF while listening to manufacurers discussing caps.