Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?

The question is a bit rhetorical. No preamp is the best ever, and much depends on system context. I am starting this thread beacuase there is a lot of info on this preamp in a Music First Audio Passive...thread, an Slagle AVC Modules...thread and wanted to be sure that information on this amazing product did not get lost in those threads.

I suspect that many folks may give this preamp a try at $450, direct from Australia, so I thought it would be good for current owners and future owners to have a place to describe their experience with this preamp.

It is a passive preamp that uses light LEDs, rather than mechanical contacts, to alter resistance and thereby attenuation of the source signal. It has been extremely hot in the DIY community, since the maker of this preamp provided gernerously provided information on how to make one. The trick is that while there are few parts, getting it done right, the matching of the parts is time consuming and tricky, and to boot, most of use would solder our fingers together if we tried. At $450, don't bother. It is cased in a small chassis that is fully shielded alloy, it gets it's RF sink earth via the interconnects. Vibration doesn't come into it as there is nothing to get vibrated as it's passive, even the active led's are immune as they are gas element, no filaments. The feet I attach are soft silicon/sorbethane compound anyway just in case.

This is not audio jewelry with bling, but solidly made and there is little room (if any) for audionervosa or tweaking.

So is this the best preamp ever? It might be if you have a single source (though you could use a switch box), your source is 2v or higher, your IC from pre-amp to amp is less than 2m to keep capaitance low, your amp is 5kohm input or higher (most any tube amp), and your amp is relatively sensitive (1v input sensitivity or lower v would be just right). In other words, within a passive friendly system (you do have to give this some thought), this is the finest passive preamp I have ever heard, and I have has many ranging form resistor-based to TVCs and AVCs.

In my system, with my equipment, I think it is the best I have heard passive or active, but I lean towards prefering preamp neutrality and transparency, without loosing musicality, dynamics, or the handling of low bass and highs.

If you own one, what are your impressions versus anything you have heard?

Is it the best ever? I suspect for some it may be, and to say that for a $450 product makes it stupidgood.
"But, even if we accept that, it does not mean that any given person will prefer it to their active line stage..."

I don't think even George has, or would, argue that. I don't think any of his claims to with the subjective nature of things.
Fiddler, you are for some reason quite short with me in your remarks. No reason to be so strong with me and this is why.

1) My last posts had nothing to do with tubes at all. You keep bringing up the active preamp I own and digging up past posts that have nothing to do with the current topic. You take these past posts and apply them to a current thread totally out of context. I like tubes as you do. Tubes can bring warmth and other nice things. I am not arguing that and have not tried to in my last posts. Yes, we agree. Some tubes as you know are quite neural sounding. It is certainly possible for an active tube preamp to have a little more "warmth" but to also pass along many other things that are more revealing of the original event. More on this in a moment as this what I am most interested in digging into.

2) My interest in this thread is not on the level of my preamp vs. another. My scope is actually much broader and I was hoping to have some great dialog. I try to avoid bringing up the brand of preamp I own so we can have a broader discussion. Fiddler, you keep bringing it up? I have owned many, many active and passive preamps. Yes, the one I now own has pleased me well beyond the others, but that is not why I am on this thread. You seem to suggest I am not worthy of this topic and to stop having input on this thread.

3) As my last posts have pointed out. I think it is a reasonable and valid argument to suggest some aspects of music reproduction demand a preamp that has a great ability to powerfully attenuate. In fact, overbuilt to the point it looks like an amp. Big and powerful power supplies etc… Bass reproduction demands this kind of a preamp based on my experience. I am also suggesting other things like dynamic contracts, micro details and the like. That is why I gave the link to the $60,000 preamp considered by many experts to be the finest preamp available today.

Straight wire with gain! Yes, but the gain part is very important and the ability to really drive a system to realistically recreate the original recording is tantamount.
Certainly this is a realistic approach adopted by many first class companies. Some of these same companies offer both passive and active preamps. Most of them will tell you the active does the best job of recreating the recorded music. It is usually their very top of the line preamp – First sound, Placette ….

So yes Fiddler I think my points are worthy and not sophomoric in any way.
"Fiddler, you are for some reason quite short with me in your remarks. No reason to be so strong with me..."

Wow, are you an overly-sensitive guy or what, Grannyring! Like I said earlier, "Quit your whining."

(BTW, if you haven't seen it, look for this commercial. "Ask your doctor, it may be as simple as Low T.")

You said, "You take these past posts and apply them to a current thread totally out of context."

Nonsense. Your quote from that past thread was in perfect context here. Go read the thread. You just don't like it because you got busted in your own words. "You took me out of context" is the last refuge of a desperate man.

"You seem to suggest I am not worthy of this topic and to stop having input on this thread." Nope...didn't suggest that anywhere. I simply said you are beating a dead horse and your argument flies in the face of conventional audio wisdom.

And if you feel I have been short with you, I didn't mean to be - I meant to be direct.

"No reason to be so strong with me..."

This statement concerns me a little. Would you prefer I use a feather boa next time? Please refer back to the aforementioned commercial.

If you want to continue to tilt at windmills here - knock yourself out.
How to kill a thread "By Grannyrig"

Well this thread was going along nicely, until it turned into something personal, discussing the virtues of zero colouration of one resistor in the signal path against active preamps, tube or solid-state with 100's of different components in the signal path.
The simple truth, active preamps have colourations/distortions, because no two ever sound the same, (even though they measure flat 20hz to 20khz) that's why people keep changing them to get the colouration/distortion they can live with.
Cheers George
George, other than providing a product category that people can build and make money on, I suspect that active preamps have their advantages, like running long interconnects, and providing enough gain and impedance matching to work well with almost any amplifier, a more universal application. So it seems they certainly have there place and serve a purpose besides simply adding coloration, and it might very well be that the very best actives converge in sound quality with an LSA, but will be able to provide the sound quality to a much broader range of listeners and system contexts. Any other advantages to actives?