Power amp s for Avantgarde Duos?

Hi, I'm looking for new amps for my Avantgarde DUOs.
I have had different tube amps, and prefer 300B/845/805..
Now I have Cayin/Spark 9084D, 845 monoblocks; but I have some problems with hum, and they are not the best with respect to resolution.
Noise is of course a challenge with these speakers.
I have recently tested a BAT VK-75SE, and were impressed by the dynamics and the fantastic bass slam together with excellent resolution and imaging. But the midrange (vocals) seem a bit "too neutral" (analytical?) to me........
I have a BAT VK-51SE pre amp, and Acoustic Zen Silver Ref IC's, Audience Au24 speaker cables (might be replaced with AZ Double Barrel.....).
Source: Pink Triangle Anniversary TT + Wheaton TriPlanar MkVII tonearm + Lyra Titan PU, and a Pass Labs X-ONO phono stage.
Room size 3.5 m (w) x 5.5 m (l).
Price range (new or used): up to $4000.
I prefer monoblocks, but no must........

Best regards Ola
I drive my Duos with Wavelength 300Bs Cardinals. Seems contradictory to acquire High Efficiency speakers and not take advantage of high resolution low power amps. Px 25s is definitely a choice as any good 300Bs, but Bat 75? 8 to 20w max.
After having two very respected people tell me I must try the Tom Evans gear with my Unos I finally did and they were right. That was after trying the Art Audio PX25, Wavac 300B, Wavelength, and others. I'm through looking and just enjoying the music. Check out Jeff Day's review on 6Moons. He nails the sound and really gives an excellent description of the engineering that went into Tom Evans amp, prea-amp and phono stage.
Hi everybody, and thank you for recommendations.
Based on this, and own experiences, I guess I'll stay with SET amp(s).
I have now tested a modified 45 Star Chief from Welborne Labs, and was impressed of the resolution and the "airy" presentation. Even the bass was acceptable (a choke had been replaced and improved the bass control). But, in total, I missed some "fundament" and body.

The SET I probably will look for is 300B's (and may be some PX-25) from Wavelength, Welborne, ArtAudio, Wavac, AudioNote (interstage models).....

BTW, why not use 845 on the Duos (ref Dejanm)?
I see there is a good offer on a modified deHavilland Aries 845 c/g here on Audiogon. I like the 845 sond and soundstaging........

Olaps :-)
BTW, have anyone tried the Audio Note Kits, ref
I especially wonder about the Signature levels (3399 USD and 5549 USD).
Some of these would have to be used, some not:

Audiopax 88s, Viva Solista, BAT VK55 or VK 55SE, First Watt F4, Pass Labs Aleph 30 or 3, Used Tom Evans Linear A, Pass Labs XA 30.5, Art Audio PX-25 (if you can handle the low power).