Since you said Organic I'll suggest Lamm ML1.1's or Lamm M1.1's used as the $7-10k used depending.. They can be a little dark but not like the BAT's.. Way more musical than anything listed so far. The Lamm's are single ended though with balanced inputs.
The VTL are very liquid and open (nothing obsured or blurry) but with slightly more emotion than the ARC you are using. I think you have to go to the VTL450 or higher to get fully balanced (Remember 3 times the electronics path for fully balanced designs).
If you wanted a more romantic sound go with the Manely 250's or 500... Manely errors on the more traditional side versus the clarity that the VTL provides. You might be able to go with his smaller amps which are a single ended design.
The bargain amp would be a Music Reference RM200 or the new RM300's.. these are really easy tubes to deal with (only 4 output tubes, long lasting, balanced design) Not Warm, the RM-9 MKI or MkII are warmer and excellent amps also. Less heat also because Roger doesn't drive the tubes hard..
I have owned two Sistrum racks and I found that in a very revealing system they start to strip away some of that magical midrange as a trade off for the detail and image placement. Throw a 1.5" maple cutting board under your preamp on the upturned Sistrum spikes and see what you think... Plus make sure yours are filled with the microballs to mass load the rack.
The VTL are very liquid and open (nothing obsured or blurry) but with slightly more emotion than the ARC you are using. I think you have to go to the VTL450 or higher to get fully balanced (Remember 3 times the electronics path for fully balanced designs).
If you wanted a more romantic sound go with the Manely 250's or 500... Manely errors on the more traditional side versus the clarity that the VTL provides. You might be able to go with his smaller amps which are a single ended design.
The bargain amp would be a Music Reference RM200 or the new RM300's.. these are really easy tubes to deal with (only 4 output tubes, long lasting, balanced design) Not Warm, the RM-9 MKI or MkII are warmer and excellent amps also. Less heat also because Roger doesn't drive the tubes hard..
I have owned two Sistrum racks and I found that in a very revealing system they start to strip away some of that magical midrange as a trade off for the detail and image placement. Throw a 1.5" maple cutting board under your preamp on the upturned Sistrum spikes and see what you think... Plus make sure yours are filled with the microballs to mass load the rack.