Living voice and kondo

Living voice and kondo amplifiers produce one of the best sounds as per reviews on 6moons,can any body suggest a tube amplifier to partner Living Voice speakers,for which i do not have to spend more than $7000.
Kevin Scott mates his LV with top of the range PARALLEL 300B mono's - using WE glass! That some serious cash we're talking about. But a few things I would say to keep in mind about mating the LV - straight SET 300B will struggle. You need either PP or Parallel 300B ie. about 20watts. Else, it will limit your choice of music.

I personally mate my OBX-R2 with the TEAD Linear A and it works amazingly well BUT it's not a 300B sound at all. It's more of a top end chip amp (47labs et al) sound.

As for 300Bs or SET that I like - try Art Audio for non crazy money. Their 300B PP/parallel are lovely. Kevin sells them for people who can't afford Kondo's.

Read the request as it states $7000.00 or less.

What Kondo amp do you have on hand for $7000.00 or less that is better than the AN CSS for sale at $6500.00 including shipping.

This is not a debate on Kondo vs Audio Note UK. Get over it!

All of the responces have been to help out with different amps to work with Living Voice.

Hurry up and write back I really want to know.
Shindo's sound is more laid back and organic sounding. Art Audio's sound is slightly more modern but both still on the musical end of the scale ie. less hifi/overtly impressive with soundstage etc etc.
Glory, you said, "The AN amp will work as good as a Kondo if not better."

What is AN amp, in your own room, better than Kondo, in your on room? (side by side comparison)

See my post carefully, i am not suggesting Kondo to him since it's, off course, over than 7K.

"This is not a debate on Kondo vs Audio Note UK. Get over it!"

Please see your statement again !