Living voice and kondo

Living voice and kondo amplifiers produce one of the best sounds as per reviews on 6moons,can any body suggest a tube amplifier to partner Living Voice speakers,for which i do not have to spend more than $7000.
I am very interested by this tread. I have acquired some Living voice OBX-R2 and I am very happy with them. I've heard them with Conrad johnson and the match was pretty good. I am using a Lavardin It (solid state). Quite good but I am in the impression that Living voice speakers do prefer tube amplification.

They use to match Living voice with Border Patrol amplifier. By that time Border Patrol where located in the UK and the distribution in North america was limitated. Now Border Patrol are located in the USA. I've never heard them but they might worth a listen if you can schedule one. They also use Canary audio.

Windsurfer. The OBX-R2 are extremely transparent so what you feed it up front, you will hear it. Kevin Scott has gone through various 'quality' brands over time. Originally Canary Audio, then BP now Art Audio & Kondo.

Main thing Kevin tells me is go for ~20watts and a good amp and you'll be in heaven. And I agree!
I no longer own the OBX-R2's, but felt they mated very well with my 25 wpc New Audio Frontiers 845 SE integrated amp. This is an 845 based SET integrated that has been compared to the Kondo Ongaku amps. I have no idea of how they compare, as I've never had the pleasure of hearing the Ongakus. I do know that this is a fabulous integrated amplifier that occasionally turns up on Audiogon in the $4,500 range used. I believe they presently list for $9,500 dollars new.
garyralph samething about New Audio frontiers was mentioned to me by people at LV can anybody describe the sound of LV with kondo and LV with New audio frontiers.
I can't speak to the sound of any Kondo amp, as I've never heard them, or the OBX-R2's with any amp but my NAF 845 SE. I will say that this amp gets timbral nuances right in a stunning way, whether the raspy bark of a tenor sax, or the purr of a cello. Vocals are sublime. With the OBX-R2's being as transparent as they are, these qualities were nakedly apparent. I was often drawn in by the small details that great tube amps reveal, the breath of air through a flute, or the slight sound of moisture in the voice of a jazz chanteuse. Percussion instruments were particularly entrancing. If there are any Max Roach fans out there, the Japanese CD transfer of "Drums Unlimited" (not the version with "Hassan") is unforgettable on these speakers.

Regrettably, I recently sold my OBX-R2's for a small number of reasons. Primarily, I missed my Reynaud Offrandes, which offer similar qualities, but in a more full bodied, warmer, only slightly softened presentation. In comparison, I found the LV's a bit lean at times. My wife also greatly preferred the look of the Offies. I think the crossover boxes of the OBX-R2's were a bit much for her.

It's a shame that the New Audio Frontiers products don't generate much discussion in these groups lately. I think they are a great buy at the prices set by the new distributor, and an outright steal at the used prices when they show up on Audiogon. I've been through many fine tube, SS, and digital amps over the years. None have floated my boat anywhere close to the 845 SE