How do I install female XLR's in Aragon amps?

Long ago I bought two Aragon 8000-series amplifiers with RCA inputs but with blank ports (plates with screws) to allow installation of balanced XLR jacks (female, I presume). I just bought a Krell processor with balanced XLR output, but unfortunately, Aragon has gone out of business and I can no longer find a dealer to convert the amps to XLR. I would rather do it myself by purchasing Neutrik jacks and soldering the wires.

The problem is that I do not know which wires on the RCA jacks to solder to the XLR's. I assume that the outer-shell RCA wire (ground or female) is to be attached to the ground lead of the XLR and the center RCA wire (signal or male) is to be attached to the positive lead of the XLR. Is this right? But where do I attach the third XLR lead in the amplifier? Is there a shield wire? To the chassis?

Aside from the wiring problem, will I have a problem with a larger input voltage or any other unforeseen problem. If Aragon provides the port, I assume not, but I'm not sure. Please help!
DO NOT BOTHER installing XLR's... just get either XLR to RCA cables or get some Cardas XLR to RCA adapaters.

Modifying the amplifier will reduce the value also. The other option you could do is to sell your current amp and buy another amp with XLR connectors. But just because a piece has XLR adapters doesn't mean it is a fully balanced piece of gear. If the item isn't truelly balanced than RCA to XLR adapters will provide the same level of performance.
The reason why you don't know where to put the third wire is because you would need truly balanced (differential circuitry) with a +, -, and ground. I disagree with cytocyle on the mod significantly reducing the value because the ports are already there, but you won't get a fully balanced signal chain. I do agree with him that an XLR-RCA cable will accomplish the same thing, but those are not cheap and have pretty limited resale value (I know). If you go the cable route, make sure you verify which pin in which on the Krell. there is a common but not universal standard.
he is correct sounds like your amp is not truely balanced so dont waste your time it wont make any difference
The 8008ST will have a plate but no XLR jack. The 8008BB has both RCA and XLR input jacks; when the RCA jacks are used, a tiny jumper is inserted into two of the three ports in the XLR jack.

A Palladium II or Palladium 1K uses the same basic layout as the 8008; but is set up internally to be a true balanced design; and is a single-channel (monoblock) amp.

I'm using a pair of RCA-to-XLR adapter plugs on my Palladium IIs; using XLR-to-RCA adapters on your system is probably the simplest, cheapest, easiest solution if your Krell processor doesn't have RCA outputs.

First Guess: if you have reasonable-length interconnect cables, you won't hear any improvement from the balanced connection.

Another option is to sell the 'ST and buy a BB version; you gain the factory-installed XLR connectors along with additional power supply, larger storage capacitors, and 50% more output transistors.