Mixing amps pre amps?

Now I have conrad johnson pv14L pre amp and also cj amp. I need more power and am starting the upgrade process. I am going to audition the classe ca2200 I think. Will it work well or is there a way to tell with the pv14L or should I also bring the cp5 classe pre amp. I just want to hear classe in my system to see if that is the route I am going to take. I may even go with the mono blocks. initially want to hear one of thier good amps and this is all my dealer has to demo.
I've got a C-J CA200 that inverts phase. When you use most C-J you have to reverse the positivie and negative at the speaker or amp. If you put a component in that does not phase invert, then you'll not need to switch positive and negative.

Getting the absolute phase of a system right is something that many people don't get right, even though it can improve the sound. Trial and error is the most common way to determine absolute phase, since each component in the chain has the potential to invert or not invert phase.

In other words, it's no big deal whether a component does or does not invert, you'll just need to put it in the system and try it both ways to see which sounds best.

thanks, Hey salevick what speakers are you pushing with the cj and classe mix? I may get classe or go back to cj. classe 2200 or even the mono blocks. cj et250s or premier 350. If I do decide on classe I may also audition the pre amp as they have it as a demo also. with cj I would definately stick with the pv14 although cj informed me they are coming out with a new preamp which is a descendant of the pv14 that is specifically meant for the et250s. Who knows, currently don't have a cj dealer here have to go over one state
Rlawry, I checked and the amp input imp is 100kohms and the pre amp out imp is less than 200 ohms. Thats good or ok I geuss
The Classe CA-150's are bridged and my speakers are Aerial 8's. These love power and sing with this combination. The music that I enjoy ranges from female vocals,violin,pipe organ , to world music to Pink Floyd. I never cease to enjoy the music at low to high volume levels. Hope this helps. Sorry about the turnaround time I was away for a few days. Steve Levick