Mixing amps pre amps?

Now I have conrad johnson pv14L pre amp and also cj amp. I need more power and am starting the upgrade process. I am going to audition the classe ca2200 I think. Will it work well or is there a way to tell with the pv14L or should I also bring the cp5 classe pre amp. I just want to hear classe in my system to see if that is the route I am going to take. I may even go with the mono blocks. initially want to hear one of thier good amps and this is all my dealer has to demo.
I also wondered about changing a power amp or preamp of another brand in a system, which component has more influence on the sound of the system. For example, if he changed to the classe ca2200 Power amp, and keeps the conrad johnson pv14L preamp, will his system take on the Classe sound more, or if he changes his preamp to the Classe CP-5, and keeps his CJ Power amp. I never really experimented with swapping out different components much(yet).
Just my own thought process on this no evidence to back it up but I think all the stereo imaging and all the warmth and stage starts in the pre amp. From there I think you just need a amp that isn't going to mess that up. I think the cj amp normally doesn't have as much low end but may sustain more warmth than say classe. I read a review somewhere on the premier 350 cj and the reviewer was comparing it to some mono blocks (large ones). While he said the mono blocks had more low end power which should be obvious since they are bigger and heavier. He said the detail and depth of the low end on the cj was like something he'd never heard before. He said there was a lot more going on in the low end than he had ever realized.