ARC Ref 3, Rowland Concerto, or Capri line stage?

Has anyone had the opportunity of comparing the ARC Reference 3 side-by-side with the Rowland Concerto linestage or the Rowland Capri? If you have, please post your comparative findings. I own and love the Ref 3, but I have heard the Concerto at RMAF and found it to be wonderful. I have also heard rumours that the little Capri may even exceed the Concerto's performance.

My current system is balanced and consists of TEAC X-01 Limited, ARC Ref 3, Rowland 7M monos, Vienna Mahler speakers. I listen mostly to classical--80% of it chamber music.
Sorry for the delay mate, the acronym I believe its for Vacum Fluosend Display or something like that and its the very impressive blue display that shows everything not as the previous displays with Jeff equipment anly the volume but everything you need to known from volume, balance, phase etc.
The Criterion of course in a sense incorporates a lot from Capri but of course better, I am a Coherence owner and Jeff has assured me that in terms of mesurments this will be one of the top 3 preamps in the world.
For the Capri now I have the chance to listen vs the Concerto which is more expensive and to my surprise the Capri was much better and this reflects the new age technology that Jeff now is design.
Wait for few months and I will tell more about the Criterion since I have already order one.
Thank you Periklis, I also have received confirmation from Jeff this week that the Capri was the first product where he experimented with extremely fast op-amps originally designed for video applications. He then added that he is employing derivative technology in the new Criterion. . . . which truly intrigues me. Please do let us know about the sound of the Criterion as soon as you receive it. . . but in its own thread, given the calibre of the device. In the meantime, could you comment more about the sonic differences you have perceived between the Capri and the Concerto?

Thanks, Guido

you and I know all too well that their are many terrific preamps out there BUT IMO "all" pale in comparison to the Ref3
Hi Doc, as you know, when I auditioned pres to replace my LS2B, the only linestage that satisfied me was the ARC Ref 3. . . and I soon became a very happy Ref 3 owner. Since that time, I have auditioned a few more line stages, and in most cases I still prefer the Ref 3. However, I have been very favorably impressed by at least 2 devices, one of which the now discontinued Rowland Concerto, which I heard at RMAF on a jaw-dropping system. . . hence this thread. I have not heard the newer little Capri -- less expensive than the Concerto -- but it is said by mpore than one to outperform the older Concerto. . . In the meantime, no one has really heard the new JRDG Criterion flagship under field conditions. . . it will start deliveries later in the Spring. . . but Criterion is said to be an all out assault to the state of the art. . . and I sure would love to conduct a comparative analysis with it and the Ref 3.
Hi Guido, indeed the new capri outperforms the older Concerto at least in the hearings I have done.
The capri in all hearings sounded more clear a little more dynamic and same musical as the Concerto.
The Capri is power factor corrected as Jeff told me and all the new products are (312,102 etc).
If you put the factor price when the Capri seems a bargain in this money.
I believe that you must hear it in order to have an personnal opinion for the new age sound of Rowland gear.