My GCC250 runs warm in a poorly ventilated space ONLY if I hammer it as loud as it'll go for as long as I can stand.
Other than that, reasonably cool, good dynamics and response.
Since I gave up listening to sine waves and pink noise sometime in the mid/late '70s, the FTC limit is not exactly germain.
Besides, are maggies known for sheer loudness? If mine go much over 98->100db in my listening room, I'd be surprised.
If you want louder, buy a louder speaker.
Other than that, reasonably cool, good dynamics and response.
Since I gave up listening to sine waves and pink noise sometime in the mid/late '70s, the FTC limit is not exactly germain.
Besides, are maggies known for sheer loudness? If mine go much over 98->100db in my listening room, I'd be surprised.
If you want louder, buy a louder speaker.