AR LS 26 and Pass Labs X350.5 Compatible?

Hello to all the audiophiles here on Audiogon. Being new to the high end of audio I was wondering if some of the more knowledgeable experts could give me their opinion on something I've been thinking of.

Recently, I upgraded my venerable Ohm 4s to the 4.5 S3 and I wanted to pair it with an Audio Research LS 26 and a Pass Labs X350.5, both of these choices after reading some of the forum opinions here.

I contacted Pass Labs and a gentlemen named Desmond said there would be no problems with the pairing. However, after reading some opinions on mixing solid state amps with pre amp tubes would they really be compatible or would there be a better alternative? Thanks in advance for any replies!
I am using an ARC LS26 with a Pass Labs X250.5 amp and it is a great combination. I also tried the REF3 and that sounds even better, as expected. I tried using the Aesthetix Calypso with the Pass and that was not a good combination. It worked but did not have the magic of of ARC/Pass combination.
With the specs Audiofeil quotes, you should not have any compatability problems regarding impedance issues.
I forgot to mention that I have an X250.5 (same input circuits/same drive impedance give or take as the X350.5).

For the record, let me state that these single data points are pretty useless. They are mostly marketing figures. Think about it folks. Impedance is a frequency dependent resistance to current. On the one had too much data can lead to analysis paralysis, but otoh, too little can lead to bad outcomes. I really appreciate the measurements that stereophile presents when they do equipment reviews. They pretty much cover the spectrum. Of course the final proof is in the listening, and no one can predict that.
Audiofeil, unless these folks have the data in question they are also taking a guess (albeit an educated one at that). Don't get me wrong I love pass products and the company is excellent, but it is what it is.
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Thanks to all who replied to my thread. I will try to investigate more thouroughly and see what Audio Research has to say on the matter but according to Dev, Joey54, and Audiofeil, it does look promising.