ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?

I have sourced a new production Tungsol 6550 from The Tube Store in Hamilton (Ontario); I intend to use it in the power supply of my ARC Ref 3. Has anyone had any experience with the Tung-Sol TS6550 in the Ref 3? Have you compared it with the original Winged "C" SED 6550C shipped by ARC with this
line stage? Preferences? Reasons?


Keep trying different 6550's (probably a voltage regulator). PS tubes have a huge influence on the sound (as you have discovered). You should go after some NOS Tungsols. I would be very surprised if they didn't outperform the SED's in a big way. The very best TS's are the solid blackplate (no holes in the plates) triple D getters. They are very pricey but you only need one. If evryone took oneobgyn's approach to this hobby, nobody would learn anything on this forum.

I second everything Bart just said. NOS Power supply tubes can provide a major sonic improvement to any equipment, and there are a number of excellent 6550 iterations out there to try. Obviously- You have the ears and system necessary to appreciate the differences. The narrow mind/narrow road approach will only rob you of the full music/venue information well recorded discs possess.
"If evryone took oneobgyn's approach to this hobby, nobody would learn anything on this forum"

That is a laughable comment. I have probably done more tube rolling in my 40 years in this hobby than you can imagine. I have a friend who also has a Ref 3 and has rolled just about every tube imagineable. When all was said and done his analysis was similar to mine. All you are doing is creating a different "flavor", most far from euphonic and many with tube bloom. I am not saying "don't experiment". I am saying that I have been there and done that. BTW, I am surprised that none of you have tried KT 88's of different manufacturers in place of the 6550.

I have always asked myself when I change a piece of equipment or roll a tube, "am I hearing something different, or am I hearing something better?" That is what experience has taught me. But heck, that is just me.
The best 6H30 tube is the hard to find 6H30 DR. My Modwright 36.5 also takes 6H30 signal tubes. If you can find the true DR tubes that make a pretty significant improvement.

BTW - oneobgyn is a huge help to people.
I have a pair of NOS TungSol 6550 Black Plates (solid) from the early 50s - I will try them and will report back. I'm aslo burning in a quartet of NOS 6H30DR tubes.