Krell showcase or other 5 channel amp

I own a Parasound 1205A and am looking for something that would be an upgrade. I want an amp with balanced inputs and need it to be in black (which seems to cut down your choices in high end amps these days). I am wondering if the Showcase would really be an improvement over what I have. I am somewhat suspicious of these newer Krells (as compared to, say, the Krell TAS which looks like a real Krell!). Would I be getting just the name or a real sonic improvement?

I have B&W803N's, and would get a Classe, but they seem very rare on the used market. The Dreadnaught seems like a great idea, but perhaps a bit more expensive. Any other suggestions?
I also recommend the Cary Cinema 5. Each channel accepts either bal or unbal inputs independently. Suitable for both HT and music - decent extended lows, rich and textured mids, sweet highs, no electronic glare and a decent soundstage. It's quite impressive for $1000 per channel. I believe it's also available in a black faceplate.
Thanks for all your suggestions.

It is amazing to me how controversial the Bryston amps are. I've never had a chance to hear them...I am also confused about those Earthquake amps. High power yes. Refined and transparent? What do people think?

Has anyone spent time comparing a Dreadnaught I and II?

If anybody has a 5 channel 225watt Dreadnaught II in black, a Cary 5 or Krell TAS in black, or a Delta series Classe they should contact me.
Also, does anyone have experience with the Edge GAV, other than the fact that Absolute Sound seems to love Edge?
Of the amps you listed, and...hometheater/multichannel in mind. Classe, Krell TAS, and Cinenova Grande would be my top choices to explore.

The rest of your choices, are well below these in build...the Bryston being the best of these. When you buy an amp, you should buy with "intended use" in mind.

If you want a two channel (audiophile) amp, then thats what you should buy, simply add a three channel amp to that.

BTW, the Theta measures the highest distortion levels of the bunch (by far), when pushed hard....Google is your friend.

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